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End Point Assessor – Apprenticeship – Healthcare Assistant Practitioner 2023

Posted 1 month ago by Pearson
London, United Kingdom
Application deadline closed.

Job Description

End Point Assessor – Apprenticeship – Healthcare Assistant Practitioner

About Pearson

Pearsonistheworld’sleadinglearningcompany,with35,000employeesinmorethan70countries workingtohelppeopleof allagestomakemeasurableprogressin their livesthroughlearning.We put the apprentice at the centre of everything we do, because wherever learning flourishes, so do people.Findoutmoreabouthowwecanhelpyouandyourlearnersatqualifications.pearson.com

We are looking for Independent End-Point Assessor for the following locations:

North of England area covering Blackpool, Carlisle and Huddersfield
South West covering Cornwall/ Devon
South East covering Brighton/Hastings/Kent
Overview of the independent end-point assessor role:

The Government has introduced a requirement that all apprenticeships contain an end-point assessment (EPA) which is a holistic assessment of the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviour (KSBs) that have been learnt throughout the apprenticeship. This is to make sure that apprentices meet the rigorous standard set by employers and are fully competent in the relevant occupation. Pearson must provide employers with the confidence that completing an apprenticeship means an individual is fully job-ready and that all apprentices, following the same standard, are assessed consistently, regardless of where they are undertaking their apprenticeship or who they are doing it with.

An independent EPA means that those making a decision on the competency of the apprentice have nothing to gain from the outcome of the assessment. To maintain independence within the scope of this EPA, an independent end-point assessor (IEA) can only undertake end-point assessments of apprentices, with whom they have no conflict of interest. This means they must be independent of the registered apprenticeship training provider at which the apprentice completed their on-programme element and must not have been involved in the on-programme training, assessment, or line management of such apprentices.

The end-point assessments will be conducted onsite, or remotely, on dates agreed with employers and/or providers if appropriate. IEAs will record and submit the EPA outcomes, with clear justifications for the grading decisions. EPA activities will be quality assured by Pearson quality assurance representatives.

IEAs will be a registered healthcare profession that meets the occupational profile of the apprentices they are assessing and will be trained, standardised and approved to operate as IEAs. The IEAs will undertake EPAs in line with the associated apprenticeship assessment plan, and the materials provided by Pearson. Please see the below Key Accountabilities and Person Specification sections for further details.

Key Accountabilities:

The IEA will:

Take part in regular training and standardisation activities, associated with the role of IEA for this EPA
Maintainandprovideevidenceofongoing,relevantContinuousProfessionalDevelopment (CPD)
Assesstheperformanceofcandidatesinaccordancewith publishedassessmentandgrading criteria and procedures, ensuring overall standards are maintained
FollowtheprotocolssetoutinPearson’sspecifications,assessmentmaterialsandquality assurance protocols, relating to the EPAs
Maintainservice-levelagreementswithregardstorespondingtoEPAplanning,operational activities, reports and submissions of assessment outcomes
Reportallrisksandissuesencountered duringtheend-pointassessmenttoPearson, including any suspected malpractice/maladministration
EnsureallEPAreportsandassessmentevidencearehighqualityandrecorded accurately
SupportPearson,ifnecessary,withanyappealsfromapprentices,regardingassessment decisions
Raise any conflicts of interest, including in relation to the independence of assessment
Ensurethatanypersonalactionsarecompleted,asrequiredby Pearson
ContributetothecontinuousimprovementofPearson’send-pointassessment activities
Person Specification:

Occupational Profile :

Assistant Practitioners work as part of the wider health and social care team and have direct contact with patients, service users or clients providing high quality and compassionate care. Assistant Practitioners work at a level above that of Healthcare Support Workers and have a more in-depth understanding about factors that influence health and ill-health (e.g. anatomy and physiology).

Assistant Practitioner is a job title applied to a very wide variety of roles that have been developed locally by employers to meet individual service need. Upon successful completion of this standard, individuals will have obtained the core skills, knowledge and values/behaviours to become an Assistant Practitioner.

Examples of common work activities include assisting in total patient assessment, coordination of care (including referrals to other practitioners) and higher clinical skills such as catheterisation, wound care and discharge planning. Assistant Practitioners can be found working in a range of areas such as Cancer Services, Physiotherapy, Genito- Urinary Medicine, Orthopaedics, Hospice Care, Mental Health, Social Care, Community, Occupational Therapy, Learning Disabilities as well as hybrid roles that cross traditional occupational areas. Assistant Practitioners will therefore develop additionalskillsandknowledgebasedontheiremployer’srequirementsdependingontheclinicalor professional area within which they are working.

An Assistant Practitioner works under the supervision of a Registered Practitioner in accordance with employer policy, protocols and standard operating procedures. The Registered Practitioner remains accountable for the appropriate and effective delegation of activities and must ensure that the AP has the competency, confidence and expertise to carry out such activities. Having accepted the activity, the AP is accountable for their actions. In a situation where the AP feels they do not have the necessary skills or ability then they must alert the registered practitioner immediately.



1 Profile drawn and adapted from Apprenticeship Standard for Assistant Practitioner (Health) which was approved 19th May 2016, reference: ST0215. Usage under the terms of the Open Government Licence. Visit

Background and Experience (essential):

Be occupationally competent
Be a registered healthcare professional in the related field of practice
Hold,orbeworkingtowards,aformalassessorqualification(e.g.A1,assessorcomponentto TAQA etc)
Have experience of working in a healthcare setting within the last 2 years
Experience of leading meetings/structured interviews/discussions
Assessing qualification
Experience of complying with quality assurance/regulatory requirements
EvidenceofcommitmenttomaintainingCPD,inlinewithnewapprenticeshiprequirementsand the EPA specialism, including maintenance of recent occupational experience
Hold current NMC pin number.
Essential others

Only UK based candidates will be considered for this role due to requirements
Minimum of two working days during the week will be required for EPA role.
Background and Experience (desirable):

To hold, or be working towards an internal quality assurance qualification
Experience of making grading judgement
Hold Current DBS and registered on yearly update system
Knowledge of prevent & safeguarding
Skills & Knowledge (Essential)

Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal skills, including the ability to effectively respond to conflicts
Flexibilitytounderstandandrespondtotheindividualneedsandcircumstancesof employers/apprentices
The healthcare sector
The role of the healthcare assistant practitioner
In-depthknowledgeoftheassociatedapprenticeshipstandard,assessmentplan,specification, assessment instruments and recording tools
Abilitytoassess,freefrom bias
Other requirements

Any applicant undertaking this role will be expected to:

Have personal IT equipment capable of running Pearson required software
Have a suitable broadband connection, Microphone, Headphones and a webcam
Have a personal and secure email account
HaveapostaladdressintheUnitedKingdomorRepublicofIreland,Guernsey,JerseyIsleof Man
Have the right to work in the UK
Allow additional time for travel, when making EPA arrangements
Application Information We have a number of opportunities available for teaching professionals to join our growing teams of examiners, moderators and verifiers.